The Global 100 Overview: Unstoppable forces

The Global 100 Overview: Unstoppable forces

In Legal Businesslast Global 100 issue, we reported on a ‘relatively benign’ 2018/19 for the world’s top 100 law firms compared to the tumultuous three years that preceded it. The headwinds caused by increased protectionism in the US and ongoing acrimony between the UK and Europe had subsided somewhat after firms recovered from the initial shock of an infamous 2016. The result was an industry enjoying a sustained period of serious growth and momentum.

2020, however, brought an abrupt end to this period of plenty. If a global health pandemic that plunged the world’s largest economies into self-imposed lockdown was not challenging enough, there was also a drama-laden US presidential election. And buried amid this chaos, it is easy to forget the UK is marking the anniversary of Boris Johnson’s landslide electoral victory of last December, which mandated a potential no-deal exit from the European Union. At the time of writing, chances of a deal appear no better than 50/50. Continue reading “The Global 100 Overview: Unstoppable forces”

The Global 100: Analysis – What’s the deal with DLA?

The Global 100: Analysis – What’s the deal with DLA?

‘The whole place didn’t collapse, did it?’ So quips Simon Levine, almost six years since he took on the leviathan challenge of succeeding Sir Nigel Knowles as global co-chief executive and managing partner of DLA Piper. Nevertheless Levine, characteristically self-deprecating and garrulous, especially in light of the firm not being razed to the ground, has clearly never shaken off the stigma of the succession being likened by Sir Nigel himself to Manchester United’s legend Sir Alex Ferguson stepping down. As if taking over from a man acclaimed for shaping DLA into what was once the world’s largest law firm over 18 years was not daunting enough. ‘I didn’t want to go the way of Moysey,’ said Levine at the time.

It is rare for opinion to be unanimously glowing about a law firm leader, but it was about Knowles, who in May became chief executive of listed law firm DWF in what may be perceived as arguably an even bigger challenge than what lay before him at DLA. Continue reading “The Global 100: Analysis – What’s the deal with DLA?”

Global 100 European M&A focus: Riding a black swan

Global 100 European M&A focus: Riding a black swan

‘What has happened to us?’ An M&A veteran shakes his head incredulously, having uttered the now ubiquitous phrase: ‘stay safe’ to conclude a Zoom call with Legal Business.

This time last year, rainmakers could hardly have imagined being forced into a neverending merry-go-round of video conferencing, let alone ending each conversation with something reminiscent of a BBC Crimewatch catchphrase. Continue reading “Global 100 European M&A focus: Riding a black swan”