Tax Yearbook 2023: Value Added Legal Business22 August 2023TaxTax Yearbook 2023 Your limit of 1 article in 30 days is up. Please login for full access or subscribe. Related ContentFrom farms to the FIG regime: top tax lawyers size up Labour’s first half-yearSponsored briefing: Dutch dividend withholding tax exemption for share buybacks by listed companies may be abolished by 2025Sponsored thought leadership: Hot topics of tax controversy in Latin AmericaTax perspectives: Dan NeidlePillar to postThe Legal 500 viewTransatlantic firms outstrip peers on five-year PEP growth, LB100 data revealsA good time to be mid-tier: private equity interest on the rise as mid-market thrivesThe LB100 ranked by PEP: firms push partner profits to new heights as associate pay debate rumbles on