On paper, an 11% jump in average revenue to £135.5m for the second 25 looks like a great leap forward from last year’s 5% increase to £122.6m, and this rate of growth compares favourably to the top quartile’s 9% hike to £830.7m. But as usual the figure must be taken with a pinch of salt.
Tempering excitement that the group is outstripping the top 25, Womble Bond Dickinson (WBD)’s transatlantic merger has inflated revenue and catapulted it into the top tier, squeezing out last year’s top-25 entrant Fieldfisher. Swapping WBD for Fieldfisher means that around £140m is artificially added to the £3.39bn total revenue of the group. Without it, average turnover would be around £130m – a more muted 6% increase.