While headline figures for revenue, profit and headcount in this year’s LB100 confirm another year of subdued trading, a look at how the top 100 UK-based firms by revenue have performed overall since the halcyon, pre-credit crisis days of 2006 makes interesting viewing. Not least as they are testament to the inherent strength of the industry, despite the hurdles it has seemingly faced in ten years. We also look at 2011 as a five-year mid-point, the stage when the global financial crisis had started to ebb.
Our 2006 report, which was the penultimate year of boom before the credit crisis took hold in 2007/08, showed that collectively the LB100 amassed £10.8bn in combined revenues, which had increased 44% to £15.5bn by 2011 before doubling to £20.19bn in the last financial year. Net income, too, climbed at a similar rate – up 32% from £3.52bn to £4.65bn by 2011 and, five years later, growing 38% to £6.39bn in 2015/16 – a growth rate of 82%.