Focus: Hengeler Mueller Legal Business7 June 2017FocusThe Euro Elite 2017 Lawyer headcount 264Partners 90Your limit of 1 article in 30 days is up. Please login for full access or subscribe. Related ContentLinklaters joins SullCrom and Cravath on $65bn Linde and Praxair megadealFreshfields and Hengeler act as Blackstone inks largest European real estate deal this yearSignificant mandates: Slaughters, Paul Weiss and Hengeler act as Deutsche Bank fined $2.5bnFirm focus: Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & FlomFirm focus: Cleary Gottlieb Steen & HamiltonCity leaders take drastic action as coronavirus spreads turmoil across European states and economiesFocus: GarriguesMarket report: Russia and the CIS – The new silk roadThe Euro Elite Top 25