Under the Industrial Property Law numbered 6769 (IP Law), an important obligation imposed on trade mark owners after obtaining registration is the requirement to use the trade mark. The IP Law attaches two important potential consequences for non-use of the trade marks, after the completion of the five-year grace period. First, the trade mark can be revoked due to non-use upon the request of the interested parties and second, its enforceability can be weakened by a non-use defence asserted by the applicants in the opposition actions before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (the Office) or by the defendants in invalidation or infringement actions before the courts.
The non-use defence has been introduced as a revenue granted to applicants and defendants for the first time with the IP Law, with its entry into force in 2017. This expanded the potential consequences that could be faced by trade mark owners with vulnerable trade marks, by adding to the already existing risk of facing a non-use revocation claim under the late Decree Law numbered 556 on the Protection of Trademarks (Trademark Decree Law). Changes in practice will also take place as of 10 January 2024, with the transfer of the authority of the courts to evaluate non-use revocation claims to the Office. Thus, trade mark owners with trade marks registered for more than five years in Turkey should be cautious of the various avenues available to third parties against their trade marks, when deciding on enforcing their rights.