Announced more than a year ago, the largest merger in the Spanish banking sector for some time became a reality in early 2021. The Spanish competition authority cleared CaixaBank’s acquisition of state-owned financial entity Bankia – which was bailed out during the country’s banking crisis in 2012 – at Phase I, subject to conditions. This transaction is a merger between the third and the fourth largest banks in Spain, with €623.8bn in assets.
The new entity is expected to dominate the Spanish market, especially in retail banking. As executive chair José Ignacio Goirigolzarri said when the deal was confirmed: ‘The merger between CaixaBank and Bankia marks a milestone in the history of the Spanish financial system. We face this challenge from a position of strength that allows us to be an active part of the solution to the current crisis, as well as to become an important stakeholder for the socio-economic recovery of our country’.