As we seemingly head from one global crisis to another, the pressure being shouldered by business leaders is relentless. We’re operating in a period where economic uncertainty and the geopolitical environment has left markets unsettled, inflation and interest rates are rising, and where multimedia platforms mean that the scrutiny upon us is not limited to the Board and shareholders. It can come from anyone: our people, our customers, our supply chains, political leaders and parliamentary committees, pressure groups and the world at large. It is a challenging time to lead a business.
If a business is to survive, then the financial wellbeing of that business matters. But how does this need for commercial resilience sit alongside the corporate world’s increasing commitment to the ESG agenda and to society – often driven by a purpose-led strategy – when the two have historically diverged? Have we reached a point where those wider comments are such that they can withstand the financial buffeting heading the way of business?