Legal Business

Sheldon Mills – Office of Fair Trading

Sheldon Mills

Director of mergers


Office of Fair Trading


Sheldon Mills’ responsibilities include the day-to-day delivery of the Office of Fair Trading’s merger caseload, management of the mergers group and representing the OFT externally. Mills heads a team of 35, including eight competition/litigation lawyers. The OFT does not have a legal panel as it doesn’t instruct law firms, but it does deal with a range of firms that require M&A transaction clearance.

A career highlight for Mills was the OFT’s investigation into the proposed acquisition of a minority stake in Aer Lingus by Ryanair in 2010. The case provided clarification of the dealings between domestic regulators and those at European Commission level.


2010-present: Director of mergers, Office of Fair Trading

2007-10: Senior associate, SJ Berwin

2002-06: Solicitor, Jones Day