Legal Business

Political persuasions – what City partners are hoping for from the next Government

On the eve of a general election that looks set to promise a wipeout for the Conservative Party and the first Labour government in 14 years, LB checked in with a range of City partners across a variety of practice area to gauge the temperature of the UK legal industry, find out what they think will change, what won’t, and what to watch out for.

Things can only get better?

‘As of now, the polls suggest that if Labour achieve the same majority as Tony Blair did in 1997, it would be a good result for the Conservatives.’ This from Paul Butcher, director of public policy at Herbert Smith Freehills in London, sums up prevailing sentiment among not just the legal community but the wider media.

Indeed, the BBC’s poll tracker shows Labour poised to secure 40% of votes cast, with the Conservatives languishing at 20% – a stunning reversal in fortunes for the two parties after the Conservatives roared to victory in 2019 with 43.6% of the vote to Labour’s 32.1% and a majority of 80 seats. Now, The Economist predicts that Labour will emerge with 434 seats – more even than it won in 1997.

Polls can of course be wrong. But things do not look good for the Conservative Party – and not a single partner interviewed for this feature expressed any scepticism about a Labour victory.

‘Like everybody else, we’re expecting a Labour government’, says Quinn Emanuel London co-managing partner Ted Greeno (pictured).

Given the near unanimous expectation of a Labour victory, it is encouraging that the market view on the party is broadly positive – if not wildly enthusiastic. ‘I view this election as relatively benign, especially from the perspectives of the financial services and legal sectors’, says Latham & Watkins corporate and capital markets partner Mark Austin. ‘Unlike the last election, we now have two relatively centrist main party leaders and parties.’

Views in the finance community are similar, says McDermott London managing partner Aymen Mahmoud: ‘The usual measure of market reaction to a change in government is any movement in treasury or gilt markets. The fact that we haven’t seen one tells us that whichever party wins the election will be pro-business and, in the case of the Labour government, pro-worker.’

This is at least in part the result of a concerted effort by Labour. ‘Labour has been courting the business community over the last couple of years, really listening to what it needs’, notes Katy Colton (pictured, below), head of the politics and law group at Mishcon de Reya.

Down to brass tax

However, opinions on the Labour manifesto are not unanimously positive, with tax one particular area of concern – and not just the proposals for VAT on private school fees. ‘The Chancellor made a surprise announcement a while ago about cracking down on nondoms, but Labour has committed to going further, whilst at the same time pledging to tax carried interest to income tax instead of capital gains tax, which will have implications for the private equity industry’, says Colton.

These proposals raise the spectre of what Colton calls ‘an exodus of high-net-worth individuals’. Other partners, meanwhile, point to the risk that tax increases could discourage investment into the UK. This would be especially damaging as Labour has acknowledged that it will struggle to finance even its more modest proposals for change, and has placed economic growth at the core of its pitch to voters. The party has spoken too about closing loopholes in the tax regime, but partners are sceptical that there are enough loopholes to close to garner the kinds of revenues that Labour needs.

Still, Butcher points out that the tax issue is ‘heavily derisked for businesses compared to 2017 or 2019’. ‘They will find ways of raising taxes,’ he explains, ‘As under either party they will always find taxes or allowances not subject to promises. However, they are far more pro-business and pro-private sector investment. Their vision involves a more interventionist approach and more co-investing. Nevertheless, they embrace private investment, which will be reassuring.’

Employment is another area where the two parties diverge. Says Colton: ‘There are changes that are going to be interesting for employment lawyers, with Labour promising to increase day-one rights for workers and to remove some of the restrictions on unions, while the Conservatives are saying they’ll increase restrictions.’

Butcher agrees: ‘Concerns are much less acute than they were with Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and 2019, but it will be a very different government to the current one. They will want to intervene much more in the economy. For example, in employment rights, they propose what they frame as the biggest upgrade to workers’ rights in a generation.’

However, he also makes sure to temper expectations: ‘Admittedly, it would also be the only upgrade in a generation.’

Powering up

Of course, much of what any incoming government does will be dictated not by its ideology or priorities but by its response to long-term challenges. The struggle between energy security and energy transition looms particularly large here.

‘Whatever the make-up of the new government, it seems inevitable that legislation will be enacted to bring forward regulatory change, especially in the energy and infrastructure sectors’, says Vinson & Elkins London corporate head Ben Higson. ‘The new government will inevitably need to continue balancing the need for energy security and the drive to net zero: brought into sharp focus, I think, as real progress will need to be made during the five-year term on both fronts.’

Here, too, though, there is no sense that a Labour government will mean a radical break with the status quo. ‘Labour has a ‘moonshot’ proposal to decarbonise the electricity system by 2030,’ says HSF’s Butcher. ‘This could help focus efforts on issues like planning, as achieving this would be impossible without planning reform. This urgency also means they need to proceed with current plans rather than implementing new reforms. In energy, this is likely positive, as we have a good strategy for encouraging investment. Investors will likely welcome such stability over constant changes. Labour’s emphasis on quick implementation should reassure investors and could facilitate progress if executed well.’

Both Higson and Butcher point to nuclear power as one key area to watch for signals from the incoming government. Butcher expects that Labour ‘will be just as supportive as the current government. They recognise the reality that decarbonising by 2050 necessitates a significant amount of nuclear power; current technologies cannot achieve this alone.’ But he does not discount the possibility of further action: ‘The current government has established a solid foundation. Now, reforms to planning are needed to move forward, offering Labour a great prize if they can seize it. Currently, they appear as committed as the current government. However, I would urge them to go even bolder with the UK’s nuclear ambitions.’

Contentious matters

On the disputes front, Quinn’s Greeno is optimistic that a change in government will not present any unwelcome upheaval for litigators. ‘There’s no particular reason to think that anything’s going to change, at least in the short term’, says Greeno of the commercial litigation market. ‘Hopefully, the legislation on litigation funding pending when the election was called will be picked up and carried through by a Labour government. It’s pretty uncontroversial and in everyone’s interests to assist with access to justice.’

However, the dangers of an underfunded court system remain. Says Greeno: ‘We all know that the criminal justice system is crumbling due to lack of funding. One would have hoped, perhaps, that, as a former Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer would be alive to the risks of doing nothing to reverse that. None of the parties seem to think there are any votes in supporting a properly funded justice system, but as we see more years long delays and miscarriages of justice, I think this topic will gain more political traction.’

It is unclear what any government could do to relieve the stress on the system without an influx of cash. Increasing court fees would be ‘self-defeating’, argues Greeno, because ‘it would inevitably discourage some litigants from coming to London’, potentially sacrificing enormous funds. ‘Whatever the amount of revenue that would be raised by such a measure, a significantly greater amount would be lost if only one major case went elsewhere.’

The problem may be a hard one to solve. But that does not mean that the new government should shy away from it. For Greeno: ‘All governments are happy to talk about the rule of law, but they continue to take it for granted by underfunding the courts.’

Stable door

The feeling from the City’s corporate lawyers is that pre-election jitters from clients are, to date, relatively limited. The period since Rishi Sunak announced the election on 22 May has seen some businesses hold off on making any major moves until the new government comes in. But most define this as the usual waiting period that comes before any major election.

‘The timing is helpful’, says Austin, ‘because getting it done by mid-July means businesses and investors can confidently plan for the rest of this year and the first half of next year.’

Across the board, observers expect and hope for certainty. ‘It remains to be seen how the new government may impact the M&A markets’, says Higson. ‘But, at the least, a five-year term should provide some stability for businesses and investors going forward.’

A&O Shearman UK managing partner Denise Gibson (pictured) concurs: ‘The UK is in desperate need of substantial investment in this county’s physical, digital and social infrastructure, and its people. The country is also craving stability in decision-making.’

For Colton, ‘Having an election, regardless of the outcome, is a good thing for the business of law, because there’s been so much uncertainty, and an election will give us more certainty in terms of who the next government will be.’

Butcher is encouraged on this point: ‘Stability has become the prevailing trend. Politics seems to be returning to a more normal state post-Brexit and post-pandemic. We are moving to a situation resembling more typical political dynamics, and I hope this leads to improved legislation – but time will tell.’

Legal Business

‘I mistakenly thought severe anxiety was a good thing’ – Vinson’s London head on opening up about mental health

For Mental Health Awareness Week, Vinson & Elkins London managing partner Nick Henchie talked to LB about recognising mental health issues, seeking support, the importance of openness and honesty, and supporting the next generation of lawyers facing similar challenges

Have you ever experienced mental health issues related to work? 

When I look back on my career, I definitely had mental health struggles from very early on, but I don’t think I properly recognised that I had until I started having some therapy six months ago. There was never a crisis moment as such – worrying, anxiety, imposter syndrome, and stress are things I have lived with for many long years. On the train to work or after work I would often have a little cry to myself, and think, ‘God, I just wish I didn’t feel like this,’ but for decades I just accepted it as being part and parcel of the job – the price you pay.

I also mistakenly thought severe anxiety was a good thing because it spurred me on and motivated me to get up early, work long hours and get out of my comfort zone. This wasn’t instinct for me; it was a fear of failure more than anything.

In therapy, I learnt that this extreme level of anxiety and stress was not normal or helpful. Severe anxiety can lead to not sleeping or eating properly, and not being able to enjoy relaxing outside of work. It’s that churning feeling when you don’t eat because you’re so worried about something, usually irrationally. At times, it became a downward spiral, and my worries were totally out of proportion. Yet I thought it was ok to harness the anxiety to help me focus and work hard, to go above and beyond what others were doing. Until I started therapy, I didn’t realise that, for me, anxiety was not a source of strength, but a constant and overwhelming feeling that was not helping my performance at all but hindering it.     

A couple of months ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD, which can be a real exacerbator of anxiety. Now, with that diagnosis and therapy, a lot of what I’ve experienced over 30 years in the law is starting to make sense for the first time and I have strategies to help. The reason I’m doing this interview is because I hope I can encourage others who are struggling to see a professional. There are so many different types of therapy available which can help others avoid what I have experienced or manage anxiety more effectively. The difference it has made to my life is remarkable.   

 When did you realise it was time to seek support for your mental health?  

When I realised that my way of dealing with my issues was affecting my family, not just me. I could always get up in the morning and get on that 6am train, no matter how I was feeling inside. I always had the mental strength to get to work to help clients and work as hard as I needed to and to win cases. But at the end of the day, I’d come home and it was my family who would get the fallout of that ‘bottling it up’ approach. I was present, but very often not there. I came to realise it wasn’t ok for me to spend all day at work and then the limited time at home to just be wrapped up in my issues living in a black fog. I thought my therapy was home, which can be part of therapy, but sometimes it goes beyond what is fair on the family.   

I would also feel guilty for the way that I felt when comparing my struggles to those of others. What right did I have to worry about anything? But I’ve learnt that you’re entitled to have feelings and it’s not about comparing yourself to everyone. If that were the barometer you might never seek help. If you wake up in the morning feeling despair about the day ahead, that is your reality, and it doesn’t help to compare it to anyone else.  

What advice would you give to lawyers who may be feeling the same way you did?  

There are so many tools, techniques and people out there who can help you. A trained therapist can explain to you how the brain works, and talk you through things, and making sense of these problems makes it feel more manageable. For me, this gave me a boost, especially after 30 years not talking about it meaningfully, and knowing so many others have trodden your same path; you don’t feel alone.   

My real goal now is making sure young lawyers know from early on in their careers that they will turn into businesspeople one day, so that they can start developing the necessary skillset earlier than I did. It wasn’t so much the substance of the work I was doing that worried me – I loved that; it was always more about the future and winning business and thinking more broadly about my career. I’d think, ‘What’s the future going to look like after this or that case? Am I entrepreneurial enough? Am I sustainable?’

As a young senior associate, it can be hard to win business. It becomes less about how good a technical lawyer you are, and more about your business skills. No one goes into law because they want to go out and win business. It’s that awakening as you realise that one day it’s not enough to be a good lawyer in terms of just giving advice and being good with clients. There’s another step to this: if you want a long, sustainable career at a top law firm, you must generate business and be entrepreneurial. That can be very scary.    

Other things have helped me. Exercise and a healthy diet can be great for mental health. I always go for a run when I’m at my lowest. There are some great podcasts that can help. But the best thing I’ve done is to really open up and talk to people and be honest about your struggles. Don’t suffer in silence and take everything home and think you can cope and just ‘man up’ in the office. I did that over a long period, and it was unfair on those close to me. Thankfully, I have a very understanding family that has supported me but I’m in a much better mental space now, having got professional help.

Legal Business

‘There is more understanding now’ – how firms are supporting staff with fertility challenges

For International Women’s Day, Vinson & Elkins Europe head of international disputes Louise Woods discusses how her firm has created a more inclusive workplace for staff facing fertility issues and baby loss.

What should firms do to support employees dealing with baby loss or fertility issues?

There’s been a recent nationwide survey conducted by the Fertility Network UK which surveyed more than 3,000 people and revealed the profound impact of fertility challenges on individuals in the workplace. Almost 9 out of 10 respondents said their productivity at work was strongly impacted by fertility challenges. Against this backdrop, it is important that firms support employees dealing with pregnancy loss and fertility issues.

One of the key things to remember in that context as an employer or a manager is that by the time an individual has reached the stage where they are seeking fertility treatment, they may have already spent several years trying to conceive. Their physical and mental wellbeing may already have been impacted.

It is important for employers to have a good understanding of how fertility treatments work and what they can involve. That base level of understanding can really help an employee through what is an incredibly difficult time in one’s life, trying to juggle very personal fertility issues alongside workplace commitments.

Another thing that is important to understand in this context is the timing. Often when these types of issues arise, it is at a time when a woman’s career is taking off. That can be a very difficult personal juggle for the individual going through fertility issues or pregnancy loss. Therefore, having knowledge and understanding of these issues is important.

It is also important to understand that there is not always going to be a positive outcome to fertility treatments. They are often not successful, and ultimately, it may not be on the first attempt or the second attempt or even the third. Education around fertility treatments is very important.

There are other things employers can do, such as offering paid leave for fertility treatments, bereavement leave for employees affected by pregnancy loss, and counselling for their partners as well, because people often forget that there is frequently also a partner grieving.

Employers should also ensure that they have a flexible working policy and that they use it to support employees going through fertility treatments. There are many appointments involved in some of these procedures and having the option to work from home and to facilitate that is an obvious way in which employers can support their employees.

Does V&E have any policies or support networks in place to help employees facing such issues?

Pregnancy loss or unsuccessful fertility treatments can be devastating, whether it happens to you or your partner. V&E is committed to giving all pregnant employees the support that they need. We allow a reasonable amount of paid time off to attend appointments or to support your partner in attending appointments.

We also have a partnership with an organisation called Maven. That’s a digital platform that provides support throughout the family planning process. There’s an app which provides information on vetted clinics and agencies, mental health support, and information for those going through IVF, egg freezing, adoption or surrogacy. Maven also provides support for prospective parents and new parents and specialized care for menopause, which is an important women’s health issue that deserves more airtime and understanding.

Please can you share your own experiences with these issues and how you navigated them alongside your career?

I’ve been very lucky in my fertility journey. I have two healthy children, ages four and eight, but I did experience two early pregnancy losses when trying to conceive. For one of those, I was actually in the workplace when it happened. Obviously, it was very difficult both times because pregnancy loss of any kind takes an emotional and a physical toll on you, and an emotional toll on your partner as well, which I think is often forgotten.

I’m very lucky, I found support in my colleagues and had confidence in the firm’s attitude. That is very much a lived experience for me, not just in terms of my own pregnancy losses, but when anyone in our team here in London suffers a bereavement or has a family member that is ill or going through treatment, ours is the kind of workplace where there is no question that an employee can have some time off. We are very good at supporting each other through those times. My experience, although obviously very upsetting, was overall a positive one regarding my experience at work.

Do you think there is a stigma attached to talking about baby loss or fertility struggles and how does that apply to the legal profession?

The position is improving. It’s a deeply personal experience at a time of great vulnerability. I think, understandably, women don’t feel comfortable sharing their journey with colleagues and their employer. It’s important to understand those struggles will often have been experienced before a person has told their employer they are trying to conceive, and that can affect how much communication there is. I hadn’t told my employer that I was pregnant at the time when I had my pregnancy loss and I think that is probably quite common. So, there is a stigma attached to talking about it, but the position is improving. There is more understanding than there was 10–15 years ago.

One of the reasons for that is people are more comfortable now speaking up and talking about their own experiences. One of the things I will now do is talk to colleagues about fertility because I want them to feel empowered to know they can share their experiences with me and that they will have my support if that would be helpful.

Do you think health issues traditionally considered to be ‘women’s health issues’, such as baby loss or menopause, have an impact on women’s career progression?

I haven’t seen any examples of it, but it’s probably going to be the case that other people will say that is their lived experience. Like mental health, there is more of a dialogue now, and things are improving. My lived experience was a positive one, and I have never felt that my own career progression was hampered in any way.

Legal Business

Time to Talk Day Q&A: Andrew Nealon, Vinson & Elkins

For this year’s Time to Talk Day (1 February), which aims to encourage workplaces to start a conversation about mental health, we sat down with Vinson & Elkins energy and infrastructure partner Andrew Nealon (pictured) to discuss the impact of law firm culture on mental health and some of the positive industry changes he has witnessed over the course of his career so far.

LB: How prevalent are mental health issues in the legal profession?

Andrew Nealon: Mental health issues are prevalent in society, and the legal industry is no exception. A career in law is often very fast paced, service oriented, high performance and intense, both in terms of pressure and the workload itself. This pressure is often exacerbated by sustained periods of all those factors, and, at times, you can be going for weeks or even months with those pressures bearing down on you.

Are there aspects of workplace culture specifically in law firms that exacerbate mental health issues?

Law firms operate in an environment of high achievers who are all driving to excel. Given that environment, there can be a reluctance, especially by the people themselves, to recognise the warning signs when the stresses of life plus work are getting too much. It leaves potential for people to push themselves too far before seeking help.

One of the greatest parts of working in a law firm is the camaraderie around it. For instance, when you start as a trainee in a law firm, your fellow trainees become your allies and friends and working in a real team produces the most satisfying results. But at times, it can lead to team members not wanting to let down their colleagues, which is another thing that can push people past their limits. If you combine those factors with the high-pressure environment, with the high-value work that people are normally working on, it’s not surprising that some of these issues do arise. As managers of law firms and workers in law firms generally, it’s key for us to be looking out for our team members and be on the lookout for signs that people might be suffering in silence.

What mental health initiatives does V&E have in place?

V&E is invested in the well-being of its people and takes a very holistic approach to providing resources and benefits. We see physical health, mental health, social, personal, family health all as priorities for all of our people. We have employee assistance programme for mental health, whereby everyone in the firm gets eight complimentary sessions per year with a therapist or coach to deal with anything from everyday concerns to serious problems, including burnout, anxiety and dealing with stressful work situations.

We also take our lawyer development incredibly seriously. In my opinion, one of the triggers for people experiencing mental health issues within a law firm context is not feeling fully supported with their growth and feeling out of depth with what they’re doing, while being required to work very hard. We have a very robust development programme which equips our associates with mentorship, coaching, and the support they need to acquire the relevant skills and experiences.

The way I like to view it is that we have a swim policy, not a sink-or-swim policy at the firm. The long-term goal is to help our lawyers really become the best versions of them, both professionally and personally.

Do you think there is a stigma attached to talking about mental health and how does that apply to the legal profession?

People may think there is a stigma, but I feel I’ve never had someone come and talk to me about a mental health issue that they were having who left the discussion regretting raising it.

People are much more receptive to listening to their colleagues that have problems and trying to help them address those problems than perhaps people expect. Perhaps the stigma is still perceived, but people that reach out early often find that there’s no the reality behind it.

Throughout your legal career, have you observed any changes in the industry that have positively impacted mental well-being?

For me, the biggest thing that I’ve noticed is how much more prevalent the discussion about the topic is now than it used to be.

When I started as a junior lawyer it was an incredibly stressful, life-changing moment. Most juniors including myself seemed to suffer from stress and anxiety. At that time, there really was a perceived expectation that you would just push on and keep doing your job. Today it’s totally different. If I walk into our firm café here today, there’s a whiteboard up, saying: ‘Let’s talk’. There is always an initiative making people more cognisant of mental health. That didn’t exist when I started and it is a great development that people understand that we are humans, and humans suffer from mental health issues, which is potentially exacerbated by a high-pressure career.

Legal Business

V&E hires energy and infra partner de Cintré from Milbank in the City

Vinson & Elkins has hired Milbank’s Kilian de Cintré as a partner into its corporate and finance practice in London, the firm announced today (13 November).

The move builds on the hire last month of energy and infrastructure finance partner Chris Taufatofua, also from Milbank, to its corporate and finance practice in London.

At Milbank, de Cintré spent almost eight years in the London office. His wealth of experience encompasses representing sponsors, development finance institutions, commercial lenders, and export credit agencies on the development, structuring and financing of complex natural resources, infrastructure and energy projects internationally.

He has been recognised in The Legal 500 as a rising star, playing a support role on a number of key oil and gas mandates. He also brings with him extensive knowledge of project development and commercial documentation.

He has served as an associate at Winston & Strawn, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman and Linklaters earlier in his career.

Head of V&E’s London corporate practice, Ben Higson, commented: ‘With his cross-industry experience and approach to working across practice groups, Kilian is a natural complement to the firm’s London corporate and finance practice and culture.’

Higson added, ‘Alongside Chris Taufatofua, he is another very valuable addition, especially as demand grows for investment in, and financing for, projects in the energy transition space.’

Legal Business

‘It means business in London’: V&E takes Hogan Lovells’ Higson as City corporate head

Hogan Lovells’ London M&A partner Ben Higson has been appointed as Vinson & Elkins’ London head of corporate.  

He takes up the role after 15 years at Hogan Lovells, including eight years as head of the corporate team. He also served as an elected member of the firm’s global management board between 2014 and 2020.

Higson’s experience includes energy, infrastructure, natural resources and diversified industrials transactions. He recently advised Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation on its $735m acquisition of Bahia Minerals and ExxonMobil on its $1.75bn disposal of the North Sea assets of Mobil North Sea and other projects.

Speaking to Legal Business, Higson said: ‘Vinson & Elkins is clearly one of the world’s leading firms in energy and infrastructure, and has always been in that position, so there was a natural synergy with the practice that I already had.  

‘Energy and infrastructure is an area that is continually evolving and what Vinson & Elkins has achieved in following and staying ahead of the trends is impressive. It is at the forefront of some of the cutting-edge deals including those supporting the energy transition and moving from a carbon-heavy to a carbon-neutral world.’

Kaam Sahely, V&E’s co-head of corporate, added: ‘During 2022, we have seen increasing demand from our private capital and strategic clients for our experience in infrastructure transactions across the digital, transportation and energy sectors, including specifically energy transition.

‘Ben’s experience in these areas together with his ability to lead deal teams make him a perfect fit.’

Higson’s arrival follows that of former colleagues Roberta Downey and Angus Rankin, who joined V&E’s international construction disputes practice as partners from Hogan Lovells in October 2021. 

Higson concluded: ‘We will be looking to build the practice up at partner level as well as associate level. For people doing this type of work, the firm presents a really attractive proposition and I hope with me joining the market will see that Vinson & Elkins means business in London.’

Legal Business

Milbank continues City hiring spree with Shearman high yield guru Gkoutzinis as Vinson nabs Jones Day finance partner

High-yield specialist Apostolos Gkoutzinis is to join Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy from US rival Shearman & Sterling, a move which marks the firm’s fifth hire in the space of a week.

The recruitment of Gkoutzinis, Shearman’s head of European capital markets, is another sign of Milbank’s ambitions to make its mark in City finance, coming just days after it secured a four-partner restructuring team from Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft.

That move – which included Cadwaladers’ global financial restructuring co-chair Yushan Ng, and partners Jacqueline Ingram, Karen McMaster and Sinjini Saha – was a significant boost to Milbank’s City finance team, which counts among its clients Oaktree, KKR, Centerbridge Capital Partners and Blackstone.

Gkoutzinis (pictured) was made up to partner in Shearman’s European capital markets group in 2011 having joined the firm in 2005 as an associate.

He specialises in US federal securities law, high-yield debt offerings and general debt and equity capital markets transactions across leveraged finance, SEC-registered offerings, restructurings, recapitalisations and privatisations. Since 2005, Gkoutzinis has acted on the majority of IPO and high-yield bond transactions in the Greek market brought about the country’s sovereign debt crisis.

In another key City move by a US firm, Vinson & Elkins (V&E) has added Jones Day acquisition and leveraged finance partner Paul Simcock to its London finance bench. The move follows V&E’s hire last year of Clifford Chance finance partner John Dawson.

Simcock joined Jones Day in 2014 having previously been a partner at Berwin Leighton Paisner. He was previously counsel at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom for seven years after training at Allen & Overy.

He has acted for private equity sponsors, alternative credit providers, banks and corporations across a range of debt restructurings, distressed transactions, refinancings and other syndicated and bilateral lending projects. Recent mandates have included advising L1 Retail, the retail investment arm of LetterOne, on the £900m senior financing underpinning the acquisition of heath retailer Holland & Barrett from The Nature’s Bounty Co. and The Carlyle Group.

He has also advised Macquarie European Infrastructure Fund II (MEIF II) on deals including the refinancing and sale of National Car Parks group (NCP) and the refinancing of Condor Ferries Group, an operator of passenger and freight ferry services.

‘Our corporate team has been growing rapidly, and with the addition of another top-tier hire, we’re positioned to push even further into one of the leading finance capitals of the world,’ said London-based Jeff Eldredge, co-head of V&E’s corporate department.

‘Paul is an extremely accomplished lawyer whose strong relationships and energetic approach to client service are exactly what we look for at V&E’, Eldredge added.

For more on Apostolos Gkoutzinis’ career, read ‘Life during law: Apostolos Gkoutzinis, Shearman & Sterling’

Legal Business

20% hike at Vinson pushes associate starting pay to £120k as US leaders heat up City talent market

Vinson & Elkins(V&E) has increased its London associate and trainee solicitor salary levels, boosting newly qualified salaries 20% to £120,000 and first-year trainee salaries by 11% to£50,000.

The firm announced the rates this week (20 July), alongside its second-year associates pay. They will receive a pay rise of 15% to £127,000 (from £110,000 previously), while the firm boosted third-year salaries to £140,000, a 17% increase from £120,000 last year. Meanwhile, the firm hiked second-year trainee salaries 17% to £55,000.

All of the associate salary increases at V&E were implemented on 1 July 2017, while the trainee increases take effect from 1 September 2017.

In January 2017, when V&E published its financial results, its revenues were up 4% to $653.9m. PEP was $2.03m for the year.

The new compensation structure follows V&E’s move in January 2016 to increase all of its London-based associate salary levels and raise its newly qualified salaries to £100,000, then a 25% rise.

At the time, second-year associates also received an overall pay increase of 22% to £110,000, while third-year wages grew 20% to £120,000. The Texas firm last increased salary levels to £45,000 for first-year trainees in September 2015, and £47,500 for second-year trainees.

V&E’s London managing partner Alex Msimang said it is very important that the firm attracts and retains top talent at every level.

‘This is a highly competitive market, and we believe these compensation adjustments exemplify our appreciation for the hard work and excellent service that our associates and trainees provide to our clients every day,’ he added.

Earlier this month, Akin Gump also increased trainee salaries by 12% and 8% for first and second years respectively, raising incoming first-year trainee pay from £43,000 to £48,000, and second-year salaries from £48,000 to £52,000. NQ pay at Akin remains at $180,000 which is £140,000 at current exchange rates, as the firm last increased NQ remuneration levels in September 2016 from £100,000.

Also in this year’s pay review, Jones Day boosted their junior lawyers’ pay by 18%, rising to £100,000, £15,000 up from last year.

Legal Business

Clifford Chance loses City finance partner to Vinson & Elkins

Vinson & Elkins (V&E) has hired London Clifford Chance (CC) finance partner John Dawson, as the US firm strengthens its push into the City.

With clients such as Bridgepoint, Electra and Vivacom, Dawson has experience of public and private acquisition financings, restructurings, unitranche, loan–to-own and acquisitions of loan portfolios. He joined CC as a trainee in 1999 and was made up to partner in 2010.

Dawson’s appointment brings the US firm’s UK partner headcount to 15. He joins a number of recent hires the US firm’s City office has made in the last eighteen months, as it bolsters its private equity capability.

In October 2016, V&E brought in Ashurst’s former Singapore head, private equity specialist Shaun Lascelles. Earlier in 2016, V&E hired Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer finance partner Ian Frost and Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft deal-maker Paul Dunbar.

Dawson is one of several London partners to exit CC for a US firm over the past year. This May, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan turned to the Magic Circle firm for London-based tax investigations and disputes head Liesl Fichardt.

In October, CC corporate finance heavyweight Patrick Sarch, head of CC’s global banking sector team, left the firm for White & Case.

To compete with high-paying US rivals, CC last month voted through another round of changes to its remuneration structure, two years after last bringing more flexibility into its pay system.

The firm’s management can now raise select partners to 150 points or 130 points and a bonus. This hike is greater than the 115/130 points previously available for CC’s top earners.

The points ranged initially between 40 and 100 before 2015, with a discretionary gate at 70 points, aimed primarily at the Magic Circle firm’s European offices.

CC thanked Dawson for his contribution to the firm. V&E declined to comment.






Legal Business

‘Ready to hit the ground running’: former Ashurst PE player Lascelles joins Vinson & Elkins


Private equity specialist Shaun Lascelles, the former Ashurst Singapore head whose departure was announced last month, has joined Vinson & Elkins (V&E) in the City, it has been confirmed today (3 October).

Leaving just over a year after being hired to recharge Ashurst’s private equity practice, Lascelles (pictured) joined in 2015 from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom where he co-headed its global private equity practice. With a particular focus in M&A and private equity, Lascelles advises a broad range of private equity firms, hedge funds, state-owned investment funds and other investment funds.

Lascelles follows former colleague counsel Simon Rootsey who moved to V&E from Skadden in July. While at Skadden, the pair both guided Doughty Hanson through its £935m sale of cinema operator Vue Entertainment to OMERS private equity and AIMCo. Also at Skadden, Lascelles’ team was shortlisted for the Legal Business Private Equity Team of the Year in 2014 for advising BlackRock on the purchase of Credit Suisse’s exchange-traded funds division, giving the client an important footing in Europe.

‘Shaun has earned an excellent reputation in London and beyond as a leading private equity adviser, and his practice perfectly complements our existing client base,’ said Jeff Eldredge, V&E’s head of corporate for Europe, Middle East and Africa. ‘We are focused on strategically growing our group with lawyers just like Shaun.’

Lascelles said: ‘It’s a very exciting opportunity to further expand the M&A and private equity group in London. The firm has been looking to expand its capability in these areas and the senior team in London has more than doubled with the addition of Paul Dunbar, Simon and me and with Daniel Graham being made up to counsel.’

He added: ‘The firm has historically been very strong in energy and Africa, which has been where much of my work has been over the past few years, so it is a very good fit.’

Earlier this year, V&E hired Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer finance partner Ian Frost and Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft deal maker Paul Dunbar to bolster its offering in the burgeoning City private equity market.

News of Lascelles’ exit from Ashurst came the same day (15 September) as it was revealed it had lost its Abu Dhabi head Alastair Holland to US firm Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle and its Hong Kong managing partner Lina Lee joining Allen & Overy.

As well as losing Lascelles, Ashurst lost his predecessor, corporate partner Keith McGuire from its Singapore office following his decision to join PwC Legal.