Legal Business

Political persuasions – what City partners are hoping for from the next Government

On the eve of a general election that looks set to promise a wipeout for the Conservative Party and the first Labour government in 14 years, LB checked in with a range of City partners across a variety of practice area to gauge the temperature of the UK legal industry, find out what they think will change, what won’t, and what to watch out for.

Things can only get better?

‘As of now, the polls suggest that if Labour achieve the same majority as Tony Blair did in 1997, it would be a good result for the Conservatives.’ This from Paul Butcher, director of public policy at Herbert Smith Freehills in London, sums up prevailing sentiment among not just the legal community but the wider media.

Indeed, the BBC’s poll tracker shows Labour poised to secure 40% of votes cast, with the Conservatives languishing at 20% – a stunning reversal in fortunes for the two parties after the Conservatives roared to victory in 2019 with 43.6% of the vote to Labour’s 32.1% and a majority of 80 seats. Now, The Economist predicts that Labour will emerge with 434 seats – more even than it won in 1997.

Polls can of course be wrong. But things do not look good for the Conservative Party – and not a single partner interviewed for this feature expressed any scepticism about a Labour victory.

‘Like everybody else, we’re expecting a Labour government’, says Quinn Emanuel London co-managing partner Ted Greeno (pictured).

Given the near unanimous expectation of a Labour victory, it is encouraging that the market view on the party is broadly positive – if not wildly enthusiastic. ‘I view this election as relatively benign, especially from the perspectives of the financial services and legal sectors’, says Latham & Watkins corporate and capital markets partner Mark Austin. ‘Unlike the last election, we now have two relatively centrist main party leaders and parties.’

Views in the finance community are similar, says McDermott London managing partner Aymen Mahmoud: ‘The usual measure of market reaction to a change in government is any movement in treasury or gilt markets. The fact that we haven’t seen one tells us that whichever party wins the election will be pro-business and, in the case of the Labour government, pro-worker.’

This is at least in part the result of a concerted effort by Labour. ‘Labour has been courting the business community over the last couple of years, really listening to what it needs’, notes Katy Colton (pictured, below), head of the politics and law group at Mishcon de Reya.

Down to brass tax

However, opinions on the Labour manifesto are not unanimously positive, with tax one particular area of concern – and not just the proposals for VAT on private school fees. ‘The Chancellor made a surprise announcement a while ago about cracking down on nondoms, but Labour has committed to going further, whilst at the same time pledging to tax carried interest to income tax instead of capital gains tax, which will have implications for the private equity industry’, says Colton.

These proposals raise the spectre of what Colton calls ‘an exodus of high-net-worth individuals’. Other partners, meanwhile, point to the risk that tax increases could discourage investment into the UK. This would be especially damaging as Labour has acknowledged that it will struggle to finance even its more modest proposals for change, and has placed economic growth at the core of its pitch to voters. The party has spoken too about closing loopholes in the tax regime, but partners are sceptical that there are enough loopholes to close to garner the kinds of revenues that Labour needs.

Still, Butcher points out that the tax issue is ‘heavily derisked for businesses compared to 2017 or 2019’. ‘They will find ways of raising taxes,’ he explains, ‘As under either party they will always find taxes or allowances not subject to promises. However, they are far more pro-business and pro-private sector investment. Their vision involves a more interventionist approach and more co-investing. Nevertheless, they embrace private investment, which will be reassuring.’

Employment is another area where the two parties diverge. Says Colton: ‘There are changes that are going to be interesting for employment lawyers, with Labour promising to increase day-one rights for workers and to remove some of the restrictions on unions, while the Conservatives are saying they’ll increase restrictions.’

Butcher agrees: ‘Concerns are much less acute than they were with Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and 2019, but it will be a very different government to the current one. They will want to intervene much more in the economy. For example, in employment rights, they propose what they frame as the biggest upgrade to workers’ rights in a generation.’

However, he also makes sure to temper expectations: ‘Admittedly, it would also be the only upgrade in a generation.’

Powering up

Of course, much of what any incoming government does will be dictated not by its ideology or priorities but by its response to long-term challenges. The struggle between energy security and energy transition looms particularly large here.

‘Whatever the make-up of the new government, it seems inevitable that legislation will be enacted to bring forward regulatory change, especially in the energy and infrastructure sectors’, says Vinson & Elkins London corporate head Ben Higson. ‘The new government will inevitably need to continue balancing the need for energy security and the drive to net zero: brought into sharp focus, I think, as real progress will need to be made during the five-year term on both fronts.’

Here, too, though, there is no sense that a Labour government will mean a radical break with the status quo. ‘Labour has a ‘moonshot’ proposal to decarbonise the electricity system by 2030,’ says HSF’s Butcher. ‘This could help focus efforts on issues like planning, as achieving this would be impossible without planning reform. This urgency also means they need to proceed with current plans rather than implementing new reforms. In energy, this is likely positive, as we have a good strategy for encouraging investment. Investors will likely welcome such stability over constant changes. Labour’s emphasis on quick implementation should reassure investors and could facilitate progress if executed well.’

Both Higson and Butcher point to nuclear power as one key area to watch for signals from the incoming government. Butcher expects that Labour ‘will be just as supportive as the current government. They recognise the reality that decarbonising by 2050 necessitates a significant amount of nuclear power; current technologies cannot achieve this alone.’ But he does not discount the possibility of further action: ‘The current government has established a solid foundation. Now, reforms to planning are needed to move forward, offering Labour a great prize if they can seize it. Currently, they appear as committed as the current government. However, I would urge them to go even bolder with the UK’s nuclear ambitions.’

Contentious matters

On the disputes front, Quinn’s Greeno is optimistic that a change in government will not present any unwelcome upheaval for litigators. ‘There’s no particular reason to think that anything’s going to change, at least in the short term’, says Greeno of the commercial litigation market. ‘Hopefully, the legislation on litigation funding pending when the election was called will be picked up and carried through by a Labour government. It’s pretty uncontroversial and in everyone’s interests to assist with access to justice.’

However, the dangers of an underfunded court system remain. Says Greeno: ‘We all know that the criminal justice system is crumbling due to lack of funding. One would have hoped, perhaps, that, as a former Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer would be alive to the risks of doing nothing to reverse that. None of the parties seem to think there are any votes in supporting a properly funded justice system, but as we see more years long delays and miscarriages of justice, I think this topic will gain more political traction.’

It is unclear what any government could do to relieve the stress on the system without an influx of cash. Increasing court fees would be ‘self-defeating’, argues Greeno, because ‘it would inevitably discourage some litigants from coming to London’, potentially sacrificing enormous funds. ‘Whatever the amount of revenue that would be raised by such a measure, a significantly greater amount would be lost if only one major case went elsewhere.’

The problem may be a hard one to solve. But that does not mean that the new government should shy away from it. For Greeno: ‘All governments are happy to talk about the rule of law, but they continue to take it for granted by underfunding the courts.’

Stable door

The feeling from the City’s corporate lawyers is that pre-election jitters from clients are, to date, relatively limited. The period since Rishi Sunak announced the election on 22 May has seen some businesses hold off on making any major moves until the new government comes in. But most define this as the usual waiting period that comes before any major election.

‘The timing is helpful’, says Austin, ‘because getting it done by mid-July means businesses and investors can confidently plan for the rest of this year and the first half of next year.’

Across the board, observers expect and hope for certainty. ‘It remains to be seen how the new government may impact the M&A markets’, says Higson. ‘But, at the least, a five-year term should provide some stability for businesses and investors going forward.’

A&O Shearman UK managing partner Denise Gibson (pictured) concurs: ‘The UK is in desperate need of substantial investment in this county’s physical, digital and social infrastructure, and its people. The country is also craving stability in decision-making.’

For Colton, ‘Having an election, regardless of the outcome, is a good thing for the business of law, because there’s been so much uncertainty, and an election will give us more certainty in terms of who the next government will be.’

Butcher is encouraged on this point: ‘Stability has become the prevailing trend. Politics seems to be returning to a more normal state post-Brexit and post-pandemic. We are moving to a situation resembling more typical political dynamics, and I hope this leads to improved legislation – but time will tell.’

Legal Business

‘Clients want to come to the best’: Quinn Emanuel breaks $2bn barrier with 26% revenue jump

Quinn Emanuel today announced its firmwide financial results for calendar year 2023, with the litigation powerhouse joining an elite band of firms to notch revenue over $2bn, with a 26% jump taking it from $1.65bn last year to $2.08bn.

The firm also broke $1bn in profit, which reached $1.35bn. Revenue per lawyer was up nearly 16% from $1.61m to $1.86m, despite an increase in total headcount of 108, to 1,120. The results are even more impressive on PEP, which rose 39% from $5.23m to $7.29m – higher than any firm in last year’s Global 100 apart from first-place Kirkland & Ells ($7.52m) and second-place Wachtell ($7.29m).

‘We’ve been firing on all cylinders’, said Michael Carlinsky, who became global co-managing partner alongside William Burck when co-founding partner John Quinn transitioned to the role of chair in May 2022. ‘It all comes back to the strength of our brand. A firm can only be successful as the amount of work it generates. And, because we don’t have a corporate practice, our brand is central to generating work. Clients come to us not as a sideline, not because they have a corporate relationship with us, but because they want to come to the best.’

2023 saw no shortage of high-profile work for the world’s largest litigation-only firm. It acts for Ukraine in inter-state proceedings against the Russian Federation in the European Court of Human Rights, with a team led from London by office co-managing partner Alex Gerbi and partner Julianne Hughes-Jennett. In February, a team led by New York partners Alex Spiro, Andrew Rossman, and William Price successfully defended Elon Musk in a $12bn class action alleging that Musk and Tesla were liable for investor losses incurred after posts the billionaire made on Twitter (latterly X) regarding his plans to take Tesla private. Quinn later notched a win for Tesla in a racial discrimination case, while Spiro is also representing WeWork co-founder and former CEO Adam Neumann in his bid to buy WeWork out of bankruptcy.

Carlinsky noted that work was ‘well spread throughout the firm’, but pointed to patent litigation, commercial litigation, and bankruptcy as key drivers of growth. The firm also continued to expand overseas – the London office posted a 47% increase in revenue in January, while last year saw Quinn open offices in Beijing in May and in Dubai and Abu Dhabi in September. In October it announced its intention to apply for a foreign law practice licence to set up in Singapore.

‘It’s a natural extension for us to continue to expand’, said Carlinsky. ‘When we open in a location like Abu Dhabi, we’re not seeking just to generate business to keep our lawyers there busy. We’re looking for opportunities to generate business for other parts of the firm. Our Gulf region offices generate significant business for our London office.’

Back on its home turf, Quinn opened an office in Wilmington, Delaware in January, led by Michael Barlow, once chief of staff to former state governor Jack Markell and a well-known figure in the Delaware courts. ‘People sometimes used to say, “the Delaware Bar is just waiting for Quinn to set up”’, said Carlinsky. ‘Well, now we have. We viewed it as a no-brainer. IP litigation is a big driver in Delaware right now. And, of course, the Delaware Court of Chancery is the venue of choice for major corporate governance disputes.’

Carlinsky also spoke of plans to build out in data protection, as well as regulatory and antitrust work. ‘White-collar is very, very active. Our group continues to grow. I expect we’re going to announce shortly some other additions’, he said.

‘The same is true on antitrust’, he continued. ‘We’ll continue to be opportunistic. There are lots of examples of corporate teams bringing in regulatory specialists to help resolve issues that arise as part of M&A work. We’d be very willing to build up our capabilities in that sort of work.’

Quinn is in no danger of pivoting to a full-service model – its litigation-only model is evidently working for it. But its openness to extending into areas of corporate work is a sign of its continued drive to grow.

‘We’re excited about the prospects as we move forwards’, said Carlinsky. ‘We had a historic year in 2023. And we believe it’s replicable.’

Legal Business

‘Stunning achievement’: revenue and profit surge at Quinn’s London office

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan posted an impressive set of 2023 financial results for its London office today (10 January), with revenue up 47% to £196.6m and profit up a staggering 60% to £153.6m, with a profit margin of 78%.

London senior partner Richard East (pictured), who founded the office in 2008, said: ‘We are extremely pleased with our 2023 results. It is a stunning achievement for a “disputes only” practice to approach £200m in revenue, especially taking into account the number of partners we have in London. This year’s results were boosted by a material one-off success fee, but even without this fee the office has very significantly improved revenue and profit as against 2022.’

The results see significant growth again after a flat 2021. Profits increased by 10% and revenue by 5% in 2022 – but this was still below the rates of increase in 2020, when profit rose by 34% and revenue by 27%. The picture is even more striking on a five-year time horizon: revenue has increased by 135% (from £83.6m) and profit by 159% (from £59.3m) since 2018.

The London office increased its partner headcount by three in 2023, to 29, with the hires of Pinsent Masons IP litigator David Lancaster in May, Cadwalader arbitrator Melis Acuner in September, and Morrison Foerster privacy and data protection litigator Gemma Anderson in December. This headcount increase did not stop the office’s PEP figure jumping by 45% 2022-23, to $5.3m from $3.6m. The firm also added 18 new associates and one new counsel, for a total headcount of 114, up from 92 last year. These headcount figures give an office RPL increase of 19% year-on-year, to $1.7m from $1.5m.

Speaking to Legal Business, East explained the firm’s strategy around lateral hires: ‘We try to hire great people, and sometimes great people come along who are in practice areas we already cover, and sometimes they come along in practice areas we don’t yet cover. I wouldn’t say we’ve ever focused on one area over another. If a big name in commercial litigation came to us, I wouldn’t turn them down because we already have people in commercial litigation. I very rarely turn down an opportunity to meet someone who’s interested in joining us.’

The firm has a number of major cases lined up for the year ahead, including acting for AT1 bondholders who saw their holdings written down to zero amid the collapse of Credit Suisse, defending SoftBank in Credit Suisse’s $440m high court claim over Greensill Capital’s collapse, and representing prospective class representative Liza Gormsen in her Competition Appeals Tribunal claim against Meta, which was heard for a collective proceedings order on Monday 8 January.

Legal Business

Social media influencer: James Bremen, chair of Quinn Emanuel’s construction and engineering practice

In the early days of the pandemic, James Bremen began posting direct-to-camera explainers on Covid-19 legal issues, before branching out into career advice on making partner and successfully building client relationships, attracting thousands of views with the minimum of fuss

Legal Business

‘A somewhat unique position’: Quinn Emanuel opens second mainland China office in Beijing

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has announced the launch of a new office in Beijing, its second in mainland China following its 2016 opening in Shanghai.

The new branch will be headed by Xiao Liu, head of Quinn’s China practice. Haiyan Tang will remain as head of the Shanghai office, and will also move into a co-leading role in the China practice alongside Liu. The firm will continue to focus on investigations, litigation, and arbitration, for both China-based clients and multinational clients doing business in China.

Speaking to Legal Business, Liu stressed that the move had been part of the firm’s strategy for a long time. ‘It has been long planned. We’ve been leveraging our global resources in dispute resolution and our on-the-ground presence in Shanghai for quite a few years. We had quite a few clients headquartered in Beijing, so even before we had the office there the team had been travelling to Beijing and spending a significant amount of time there anyway.’

He added: ‘Once we had the first office in Shanghai, we needed to wait for at least three years before even applying to have a second office in mainland China. Then there was the delay caused by the Covid pandemic. So that’s why we didn’t open the office in Beijing earlier. It’s not any sudden shift in focus or strategy.’

While Liu was keen to highlight that the move was not in any way a response to any changes in the economic climate, he did note that Quinn’s nature as a disputes-only firm left it well placed to succeed.

‘We are in a somewhat unique position in the market’, he said. ‘Unlike many other firms, which started their practice in China with transactional work, we are situated completely differently. We are affected by very different factors of the market. We’re not really subject to the normal economic cycles that would affect, for example, the interest of foreign capital in investing in China.’

Quinn’s existing practice sees it ranked in tier 5 for litigation: foreign firms in the Legal 500. Herbert Smith Freehills sits alone in the top tier, while most others on the list are full-service firms.

Liu argued that a maturing market provides more opportunities for disputes-only firms. ‘We see that Chinese companies are growing much more sophisticated day by day. Previously, there may have been a ‘one-firm-fits-all’ approach. But now, the market is much more developed than that. We’ve had occasions where the client has their own trusted corporate counsel working on every deal they have. But, where they have their most complex litigation, in the US or elsewhere, they look for the best law firms to work on just that. That builds the market for us.’

Legal Business

Quinn shrugs off partner departures with 10% City profit boost

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan’s London office has released a solid set of 2022 financials, headlined by a 10% increase in profit to £94.87m. There was also an increase to the top line, as it rose 5% to £133.58m, resulting in an impressive profit margin of 71%.

The figures saw the firm return to its familiar growth trajectory after a flat performance last year. However, this year’s numbers were still below the heights of 2020, when the litigation specialist enjoyed an 11% increase in profit and a stellar 20% hike in revenue.

Speaking to Legal Business, London senior partner Richard East (pictured) was bullish on the firm’s prospects in the current market: ‘We’ve grown over the last 15 years through several different cycles. Since the financial crisis in 2008, I don’t think there’s been a year in which there hasn’t been opportunity. However, there is a perfect storm of economic factors going on right now which lends itself to our kind of practice.’ 

This year’s encouraging results will be particularly welcome given the firm’s turbulent start to last year. In late 2021, a three-partner team antitrust litigation team jumped ship to Willkie Farr & Gallagher. Led by Boris Bronfentrinker, who represented the claimant in the seminal Supreme Court case against Mastercard regarding interchange fees, the departures led to speculation that Quinn would be in for a tough year.

2022 saw the firm respond with a senior lateral move of its own, as former RPC competition head Lambros Kilaniotis joined in August . Nevertheless, Quinn still ended 2022 with just 24 partners, two fewer than the 26 in situ 12 months earlier.

On the development of the team, East added: ‘We’ve never stopped looking at potential opportunities, and that won’t stop. As time moves on and we’ve become a more mature practice, it’s harder to make lateral hires that have any meaningful impact on growth. More and more, we’re looking towards internal promotions. But we never stop looking. There is never an end to the process.’

Legal Business

Quinn Emanuel turns to RPC competition head to boost City practice

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has appointed RPC’s head of competition, Lambros Kilaniotis, to boost its City antitrust offering.

Kilaniotis, who has been with RPC since 2013, is a solicitor-advocate with a dual contentious and non-contentious competition practice. On the disputes side, Kilaniotis has represented claimants on competition damages claims relating to the interchange fees cartel and acted for Google in its defence of consumer collective opt-out proceedings in the Competition Appeals Tribunal.

He will co-head Quinn Emanuel’s UK competition practice alongside partner Kate Vernon, who said of his arrival: ‘Lambros is an outstanding lawyer with the technical and tactical skills required to win the most demanding cases. We are building a compelling competition litigation brand here in London and Lambros will be integral to that process.’

Richard East, senior partner at Quinn’s London office, added: ‘Lambros is a great addition to our existing competition practice, which has gone from strength to strength this year. He has an impressive track record for both winning complex competition disputes and achieving very favourable out-of-court settlements. As a higher-rights advocate, he has the legal and technical skills our clients demand and we are sure he will flourish at Quinn Emanuel.’

Kilaniotis becomes the second partner brought in by Quinn following exits of high-profile competition litigation partners Boris Bronfentrinker, Elaine Whiteford and Nicola Chesaites. The trio, as well as a team of eight associates, joined Willkie Farr’s London office last year.

It was a case of one in, one out for Quinn as partner Ravi Nayer departed for Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner (BCLP) earlier this week. Nayer, who left Quinn after just over a year, has created joint defence and novel litigation co-operation agreements in some of the UK’s largest class actions, including the RBS rights issue litigation.

Legal Business

Quinn Emanuel expands European footprint with fifth German office in Berlin

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has strengthened its German presence with the opening of a new office in Berlin with space for 10 lawyers.

The new office will be headed by Germany managing partner Marcus Grosch, who will split his time between Berlin, Mannheim and Munich. Grosch will be joined by an associate, but Quinn will also be looking to the local lateral market to bulk out the new hub.

Grosch commented: ‘From our perspective, the recruitment market in Berlin is promising – our goal in the short term is to hire a team of outstanding lawyers. In addition, proximity to our clients has always been an important factor in our choice of location and also plays a major role with regard to Berlin.’

Quinn has said that the Berlin office will focus predominantly on high-end litigation and arbitration, broadly consistent with the firm’s global disputes-only reputation.

The opening brings Quinn’s office count in Germany to five, with Hamburg, Mannheim, Munich and Stuttgart being the others.

Nearly a year ago to the day, Quinn made a similar move in Miami. The firm opened with the hire of 10 lawyers including the city’s mayor, Francis Suarez, as counsel. The two partners leading the move were John O’Sullivan and Olga Vieira who joined from Hogan Lovells and Greenspoon Marder respectively.

Legal Business

Quinn Emanuel defies crisis with striking 27% spike in City turnover

Showing no sign of pandemic-induced slowdown, US-bred dispute resolution specialist Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has hiked London revenues by 27% to reach £127.4m.

There was further cause for cheer for the firm as profits shot up 34% to around £91m, putting the office’s profit margin at an impressive 71%.

London senior partner Richard East (pictured) described the results as ‘truly astounding’ within the context of the Covid-19 crisis. He told Legal Business: ‘I was quite frankly amazed how quickly and seamlessly the office transitioned to remote working.’

He added that the results ‘derive from the total commitment to the service of our clients that has been shown by our London workforce’.

It is hard to dispute East’s assessment, given the firm considerably outstripped its 2020, pre-pandemic growth. Last year, the firm recorded an above-trend 15% rise in revenue to break the £100m barrier, while profit grew 11% to £67.2m.

Standout mandates for 2020 included the firm’s landmark Supreme Court win in December, where Mastercard’s efforts to thwart former financial ombudsman Walter Merricks’ £14bn group action claim against it were quashed. Merricks was represented by Quinn partners Boris Bronfentrinker and Nicola Chesaites, who instructed Monckton Chambers’ Paul Harris QC, and Brick Court’s Marie Demetriou QC and Victoria Wakefield QC.

East himself led as the firm advised Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank in its capacity as lead creditor to healthcare chain NMC Health, which was threatened with administration. London partner Robert Hickmott and civil fraud chair Nick Marsh completed the team.

Quinn’s London office currently comprises 23 partners, 72 associates, and eight of counsel. It expanded in seniority last year, after litigation partner Justin Michaelson was brought in from Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson.

These results are a positive indicator that the City’s disputes teams have coped with the pandemic well. While results are likely to be weaker at more generalist firms or those with a transactional hedge, Quinn’s latest results suggest that the old wisdom around disputes teams profiting from global uncertainty is well-founded.

Legal Business

Quinn closes NY office after partner tests positive for coronavirus

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan has temporarily closed its New York office after a partner tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus.

The partner has been absent from the office since early March due to the virus, with the firm instructing staff to work remotely from March 9 to March 13 as a result. It is now tracking down individuals who have been in contact with the partner in previous days.

A statement from the firm read: ‘Over the weekend, we got results showing that a partner in our New York office tested positive for the coronavirus. His symptoms are minor, and he is resting at home, where he has been since March 2 because of reported infections in his religious community in Westchester Count. Our number one concern is for the health and well-being of all staff.’

The closure for Quinn is just the latest in a string of serious disruptions caused to the business of law by the virus. Baker McKenzie was the first major firm in London to be forced into a decision, closing its 1,000-employee office after a member of staff was taken ill following a return from Northern Italy, though the office has now reopened.

Meanwhile, Latham & Watkins and Simmons & Simmons were among the first firms to suspend partner conferences due to fears of the virus, while Linklaters took the step to hold its conference virtually to avoid physical contact between staff.

The wider economic hit has also been heavy. Today (March 9) the FTSE 100 plunged over 8.5%, on track for its worst fall since 2008, while the US stock markets suffered their worst week since 2008 with the three main indexes falling 10% or more in February.