Legal Business

Getting exit ready

Multiple signs are pointing to an increasing momentum around M&A activity. If you’ve been holding out for better conditions to sell your business, now is the time to make sure you’re exit ready. Taylor Wessing’s Emma Danks, Suzy Davis and Siobhán Langwade outline key areas of focus and practical matters

After record highs in 2021, global M&A activity in 2022 and 2023 fell significantly, both in terms of deal volumes and deal values (with different sources recording varying degrees of the proportional drop, but some reporting up to half year-over-year). Though disappointing, this is understandable given the impact of macroeconomic factors at play, including: a sharp increase in interest rates (after many years of sustained low percentages), geopolitical uncertainty and conflicts, supply chain disruption, soaring energy prices, and high inflation.

All of these factors combined to suppress market confidence, leading to a drop in multiples which resulted in valuation gaps between sellers’ expectations and what buyers were prepared to pay (particularly given the stark contrast within certain sectors to the multiples that were being achieved in 2021).

From early on last year, where sellers had the ability to exercise discretion, many were opting to wait until market conditions improved. As the year passed, expectations for when those improvements would materialise kept being pushed out. Now (at the time of writing), at the end of Q1, it doesn’t feel like we are on the precipice of a ‘floodgate’ M&A moment. But green shoots are emerging and market momentum is building:

While we can anticipate an uptick in deal-doing activity, there is still a general hesitancy hanging over the market. Buyers have had time to reflect on the (at times, hasty) decisions they made two years ago and are likely to re-enter the market with greater caution. We can expect diligence to be more thorough, additional time taken to consider and assess the risks, and less vulnerability to getting swept up in the excitement.

That means sellers who have undertaken a fulsome vendor due diligence exercise, spent time getting their house in order and focused on, and can clearly articulate, what value their business can provide to a buyer, will be a much more attractive acquisition target for buyers. That will facilitate a much more efficient sales process and minimise the risk of process-failure.

Who’s looking to buy?

There are three types of buyer who are going to be most active in the UK market:

Are you exit ready?

If you have been considering a sales process, and assuming you don’t have a functioning crystal ball to tell you when the best time to sell will be, the best we can advise is to ‘be ready’. It’s a time-consuming process to collate the necessary financial, tax, commercial and legal information required for a sales process and that needs to be balanced with ensuring sufficient time is dedicated to continuing to run the business.

Legal due diligence

Here are a few of the key areas that you will need to focus on in terms of the daily business activities to get exit ready and ensure a smooth transaction process:

Transaction-specific considerations

As well as preparing for a due diligence process, there are a number of practical matters you will need to consider in order to get a deal over the line:

Help is at hand

An M&A transaction can be complicated, time consuming and daunting if it’s an unfamiliar process. We are here to help you get exit ready. We’ve released a new ‘Exit Guide’ which distils our experience from countless deals to help companies prepare and successfully navigate an M&A sale process. To get a copy, please get in touch.



For more information contact

Emma Danks

Suzy Davis

Siobhán Langwade

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