GC Powerlist UK 2019

Lead sponsor message – RPC: The essential ingredients
James Miller, RPC’s managing partner, looks at what makes the high performers in this year’s GC Powerlist Vision, purpose, focus.…

Sponsor message – 3 Verulam Buildings: Congratulations
Many congratulations indeed on being selected for the GC Powerlist UK for 2019. We at 3 Verulam Buildings (3VB) are…

Sponsor message – Fox Rodney Search: Improving the representation of women at GC level in the FTSE
The business case for greater gender diversity has only increased the need for transformation in executive and functional head roles.…

Sponsor message – The Law Society of Scotland: Representing Scotland’s GC community
The Law Society of Scotland is the professional body for over 11,000 Scottish solicitors. With our overarching objective of leading…

Sponsor message – Saunderson House: Tax year end opportunities
For busy individuals, tax year end can be a good time to bring your personal finances to the top of…

Sponsor message – TheJudge: Removing the pain and reducing the cost of bringing your dispute
If a business is to capitalise on the potential asset they hold in the shape of a good legal claim,…

Introduction: Risky business
There is a certain irony to be had in the fact that the best general counsel (GCs) these days are…

Methodology and criteria
The research process for the GC Powerlist has grown substantially since the first report was published in 2013, and now…