Bond Dickinson latest to blame Brexit as firm implements pay freeze Matthew Field23 September 2016PayBrexit Bond Dickinson is the latest firm to postpone its salary reviews until November, blaming the Brexit vote for hitting activity levels.Your limit of 1 article in 30 days is up. Please login for full access or subscribe. Related ContentESG: Evolution or revolution?LB100 – firm profile – Womble Bond Dickinson: Joining the dotsEnd of the road for Womble Bond Dickinson merger talks with BDB Pitmans‘Setting ourselves up for the future’ – McDermott ups London trainee pay to £70kLatham rewards more than 20 star performers with new ‘super points’ rankSlaughter and May matches magic circle peers with NQ pay hike to £150kSponsored briefing: Brexit places the UK out of the judicial cooperation area in the EU; will this be the end of English law in the continent?Offshore: Deal or no deal?The LB100 Comment: UK legal elite shows resilience amid the ominous haze