South Korea’s take on international mediation: The next steps going forward

South Korea’s take on international mediation: The next steps going forward

Yulchon LLC’s insight on the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board’s international mediation rules Among its many endeavours in arduously promoting its many capabilities and qualifications in becoming the next hub for international dispute resolution in North-East Asia, as of 1 January 2024, the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) enacted and enforced its own International Mediation Rules …

Brand capital can drive your law firm’s growth

Brand capital can drive your law firm’s growth

There remains a tendency for law firms to treat ‘branding’ as a one-off initiative, which they look at, on average, every eight years. Sadly, this often results in a great deal of wasted time and money, and consequently a great deal of frustration. Is this to suggest there is little or no value in branding? …

Sponsored thought leadership: Bulgaria expects record energy investments in 2024-25

Sponsored thought leadership: Bulgaria expects record energy investments in 2024-25

In 2023 Bulgaria adopted key legislation amendments that are expected to lead to a boom in green energy investments in the following years. The measures are taken in response to the decline of renewable energy sources’ share in the country’s end consumption for the last two years. The 2022 share of renewable energy sources in …

Sponsored Q&A: Oppenheim

Sponsored Q&A: Oppenheim

1. How does the Hungarian regulatory framework govern renewable energy projects, and what are the latest amendments or proposals that could impact such projects? Renewable energy projects are not regulated separately, the respective rules are embedded in the regulation of the given sector. For example, solar and wind projects have their rules within the frame …

Sponsored Q&A: Osborne Clarke

Sponsored Q&A: Osborne Clarke

1. Can you describe the current legal framework governing renewable energy in Germany and any significant regulatory developments that have occurred in the last year? In a nutshell, the legal framework for renewable energy in Germany consists of a priority grid connection claim and support via the Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) feed-in tariff for smaller installations and …

Sponsored Q&A: Pellerano Nadal

Sponsored Q&A: Pellerano Nadal

1. What are the primary laws and regulations governing the energy sector in the Dominican Republic? The General Electricity Law No. 125-01, dated 26 July 2001, as amended (the Electricity Law), regulates all stages of production, transmission, distribution and commercialisation of electricity, as well as the functions of the competent government agencies that oversee the …

Sponsored Q&A: Kesikli Law Firm

Sponsored Q&A: Kesikli Law Firm

1. Can you describe your journey into specialising as an energy lawyer in Turkey? What attracted you to the energy sector, and how have your interests and career evolved in response to Turkey’s energy landscape? My specialisation as an energy lawyer in Turkey began while working as an in-house counsel for companies involved in energy …

Sponsored Q&A: Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

Sponsored Q&A: Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas

1. How does estate planning differ in India compared to other countries, especially in light of unique family structures and property laws? Indian inheritance related laws are diverse and vary on a number of factors, such as the nature of the assets (movable or immovable), their location, and the personal law of an individual, which …

Private Client Yearbook 2024: Foreword – Hunters Law

Private Client Yearbook 2024: Foreword – Hunters Law

What does digital transformation mean for private client services? Cryptocurrencies promised a revolution. Their decentralised infrastructure was thought to be the future of finance – and by late 2021, they were worth $3trn. Then those values came crashing down. Now the king of crypto, Sam Bankman-Fried, has been found guilty of one of the biggest …

Lead partner: 2024 will be a year of change in the UK. The question is, how much?

Lead partner: 2024 will be a year of change in the UK. The question is, how much?

Do you have a crystal ball? If you do, then perhaps you can share the outcome of the UK election in 2024. Which election pledges are going to have most impact on private wealth professionals and their clients? Or perhaps you’re reading this in May or November, know who has won and are busy planning …