Never mind the magic, feel the substance

During its 125th anniversary year, Slaughter and May still divides the industry like no other institution. For its admirers, it is the standard bearer, bucking the received wisdom of the modern legal market – for detractors, an outfit on borrowed time, hoping to bet against the market (with an unhedged bet at that). But 17 …

Leadership and innovation – Profession, disrupt thyself?

The Innovator’s Dilemma has become arguably the most influential business book of the last 20 years and is often cited as a key text for a profession facing unprecedented challenges. Legal Business assesses its relevance to global law. ‘The picture… is truly that of an innovator’s dilemma: the logical competent decisions of management that are …

The Friday Edit: Bingham sees $50m team quit, Scots lawyers relieved and GC ethics get a prod

This is the third edition of our new review of the week, which I am now bitterly regretting as we are going to press today on an 80-page report. But I can’t let the kids down, so here’s a recap and a dash of commentary on the interesting legal things that happened in the last …

Comment: Women in law – A belated bandwagon, but still welcome

Rarely, even in the conservative game of law, has so necessary a measure been so long avoided until the status quo became so laughably, farcically untenable. The move is for major law firms to start articulating public benchmarks for their proportion of female partners – corporate speak for the series of concrete targets announced this …

Comment: LB100 – Statistically speaking, you may not need a bigger boat

Last year, delivering our annual results issue, Legal Business remarked that the age of turbulence facing law firms since the 2008 banking crisis was far from over. And so it has proved. Despite all the talk of returning confidence, and clear evidence of recovery in the UK economy, it’s still choppy out there. Stripping out …