Comment: There’s value in CMS’ purchase and one big hurdle ahead

Comment: There’s value in CMS’ purchase and one big hurdle ahead

In the wake of the eye-catching tie-up of CMS Cameron McKenna, Nabarro and Olswang, Legal Business noted last year that the gnomic messages around the union made it a hard one to judge. And even after a detailed assessment of the largest UK legal merger ever, as we undertake for this month’s cover feature, it’s …

As KWM cracks, beware re-written history and schadenfreude

As KWM cracks, beware re-written history and schadenfreude

Happy New Year, profession. Barely have we gotten into 2017 and the inevitable has happened: the legacy SJ Berwin business has entered administration, becoming the largest collapse in European legal history. From the point last spring that a high-billing Paris private equity team quit for Goodwin Procter, it was hard to see King & Wood …

There’s value in CMS’ purchase and one big hurdle ahead

There’s value in CMS’ purchase and one big hurdle ahead

In the wake of the eye-catching tie-up of CMS Cameron McKenna, Nabarro and Olswang, Legal Business noted last year that the gnomic messages around the union made it a hard one to judge. And even after a detailed assessment of the largest UK legal merger ever, as we undertake for this month’s cover feature, it’s not easy …

Taking over – one leader at HSF but is the culture clash over?

Taking over – one leader at HSF but is the culture clash over?

Five years since the turbulent union of Herbert Smith and Freehills, the global challenger has chosen Mark Rigotti as its sole chief executive. Is the culture clash over? Managing the delicate power balance between managing partner and senior partner is tricky at the best of times. But how do you address the cultural minefield as …

Comment: After shocks of 2016, law leaders may need to start thinking

Well, it is nearly over and few in the profession will mourn the passing of 2016. Not since the banking crisis of 2008/09 have 12 months so drastically recast the environment in which law firms ply their trade, most strikingly, of course, in June’s vote for Britain to quit the EU and November’s election of …