Prepare for a bumpy Brexit ride and to be ignored

Prepare for a bumpy Brexit ride and to be ignored

For months I’ve refrained from adding to the reams of pointless Brexit commentary given that until developments develop, not much can reasonably be said. But now article 50 has been triggered, there is a little more to work with. Actually, I could have taken a break from banging on about King & Wood Mallesons a …

Clients and rookie lawyers – some awkward truths

Clients and rookie lawyers – some awkward truths

Ah, despite the changing fashions, technology and economic realities of the day, in law you can always rely on that curious mix of mutual hypocrisy, miscommunication, mistrust and conflicting agendas between clients and law firms to endure. The latest flashpoint is Deutsche Bank’s current panel review, which has pressed tendering law firms to write off …

Global London: Has the City reached the end of its curious post-Lehman boom?

Global London: Has the City reached the end of its curious post-Lehman boom?

Will this year’s Global London report chronicle the high watermark for the Square Mile as a global hub for foreign law firms? The possibility has to be considered with the article 50 notice about to be delivered as I type these words, representing the biggest threat to London’s position since the 1990s’ run-up to the …

Comment: Hot private equity money is remaking Europe’s legal market

Comment: Hot private equity money is remaking Europe’s legal market

What are we to make of the most aggressive raid between top ten City firms since Allen & Overy helped itself to the bulk of Norton Rose’s leveraged finance team back in 2002? In some ways, news this month that Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is to ship in a productive five-partner buyout group from Ashurst seems …

Myths and monsters – how KWM got swallowed by its own culture

Myths and monsters – how KWM got swallowed by its own culture

Hearing that Legal Business was gearing up for an in-depth look at the collapse of the European arm of King & Wood Mallesons (KWM), a well-informed contact noted that this story could not be told without going back to the Stanley Berwin days. True, the old SJ Berwin had a maverick spirit that mesmerised its …

NRF’s New York merger – the trade-offs of federalism

NRF’s New York merger – the trade-offs of federalism

Barely into 2017 and it has already been an eventful year for verein-based law firms, with King & Wood Mallesons meeting a painful end in Europe while, in happy contrast, Norton Rose Fulbright (NRF) has just secured its second substantive US merger in the shape of Chadbourne & Parke. The deal hands NRF 300 lawyers …

Hot private equity money is remaking Europe’s legal market

Hot private equity money is remaking Europe’s legal market

What are we to make of the most aggressive raid between top ten City firms since Allen & Overy helped itself to the bulk of Norton Rose’s leveraged finance team back in 2002? In some ways, news this month that Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is to ship in a productive five-partner buyout group from Ashurst seems …