Legal Business

The ESG report


Turning on a greenback

Our second annual ESG report finds fewer global law firms interested in demonstrating responsible conduct. Will the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis push ESG to the back burner in the same way CSR fell by the wayside?


All bite, no bark

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine saw international firms take quick and drastic action in Moscow. The war has raised ESG red flags like never before, but as ethical debates rage on, a deafening silence has enveloped the profession

Diversity and inclusion

A false start?

The Black Lives Matter movement pushed the experiences of those from ethnic minorities to the fore of public consciousness around the world. Has the message finally got through to law firms?

The ESG debate

‘I’ve acted for every villain you can name’: Lessons in ESG from its trailblazers – and how to dodge the greenwashing bullet

Paul Watchman and Paul Clements-Hunt impart their advice on how to become an authentic ESG adviser

ESG event

Advising and acting for clients on ESG-related risks

The last word

Best foot forward

On the back of our second annual ESG report, key decision makers share their views on how well law firms are stepping up to the mark